
Friday, January 1, 2010

letting go

As I have the week off between Christmas and New Years, I usually make sure I have Christmas packed away before I get back to work.  The house is Christmas-free.

So today.... I am in the kitchen preparing an early dinner for my family... no one is home at this moment, I have my lap top on, and Christmas music playing.  You would think since the stores have been playing Christmas Carols since October that I would have had enough.  I adore Christmas Carols.  It's the one part of the Holiday's I have trouble letting go of.

All that remains is a little bit of Christmas still on my kitchen table, and the songs in my heart


  1. I think it's the warm and squishy feeling that Christmas carols make us feel that makes us love them so much. I keep a huge classic Christmas carol playlist on my ipod all year long. I play it whenever I'm having a bad day and it never fails to perk me up. I love the mirror/chalkboard from two posts ago. Was that frame wood, metal or plastic?

  2. Maybe playing the Christmas carols wards off the empty feeling of having the house all cleared of decorations? The bouquet is beautiful though...

  3. Sounds like the perfect day to me! Great thoughts and a nice way to close up the season.

    I've yet to touch the decorations. I wanted to play all week and that I did. Fun! I guess Sunday is the big demolition day for me.


  4. I too love Christmas music Lisa ~ something I look forward to every year. I packed up Christmas over the week-end and the house looks so bare without all the festive touches. Enjoy your last day home before back to work.

  5. I love Christmas carols - especially the old classics. I agree - it's hard to stop listening to them. My sister-n-law listens to them all year. Her telephone ringer is even a Christmas tune! :)

  6. I love them too! I wish you lived closer to IL!

  7. The arrangement is so pretty and I totally agree about the Christmas songs.

  8. Hi Lisa - I came over to check out your blog and to follow! Nice to meet you fellow Canadian girl!

  9. I am having trouble letting that Christmas music go too! Love your center piece.
    Thanks for dropping by.


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