
Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Home away from Home

I’d like to introduce you to the main reason I haven’t posted much lately. Recently we purchased a house in Florida.  This is a project far from my home but close to my heart.   A couple of trips and  some hard work and we have something I’ve managed to become very attached to. There was a lot going in a very few short days, but I only managed to pick up the camera a few times to take these shots.
From the outside this was the way we found it…

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Recaptured Charm in Italy

I know I’ve been slightly absent so far this year but I’ve been involved with so many different things, time just seems to be rushing by me.
I want to take a minute and tell you about one of those things… Recaptured Charm in Italy ?
Truly one of the more beautiful home magazines I have seen has done a little article about Recaptured Charm and the Stenciled Dresser… Italian of course.  I’m overjoyed to see it in print and in such a beautiful magazine.
Ristrutturare con Casa Chic
Italian Magazine 002a
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